Episode 192 – Nancy Zare: Selling from the Connection: Treat Others the Way ‘They’ Want to be Treated

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In this episode of “The Builders,” Matt sits down with Nancy Zare, the “Sales Whisperer,” for an insightful discussion on the power of softer selling through understanding buyer personalities. Nancy, a psychologist turned sales expert, shares her journey and reveals why the Platinum Rule—Treat others the way they want to be treated—is the cornerstone of her Likeability System. Built on 35 years of research, this system transforms traditional sales tactics into authentic, buyer-centered conversations that foster trust and genuine connections.

Nancy introduces her framework for classifying buyers into four distinct styles—Buyers 2, 4, 6, and 8—each with its own decision-making process and communication preferences. By matching your sales approach to the buyer’s personality, you not only build rapport but also minimize sales resistance. Throughout the conversation, Nancy provides actionable insights on quickly identifying these buyer types, emphasizing the importance of listening, adapting, and being present in every interaction. She also discusses how the shift to digital communication has changed the sales landscape and how her system helps navigate these changes effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand Buyer Personalities: Learn to recognize buyer types (2, 4, 6, and 8) to tailor your sales approach to their needs.your sales approach to their needs.
  • The Platinum Rule: Prioritize the buyer’s preferences—treat others the way they want to be treated—and avoid a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Confidence is Key: A confident demeanor in your product, company, and self plays a critical role in successful sales conversations.
  • Listening Skills: The best salespeople listen more than they talk, responding to the unique criteria and desires of each buyer.
  • Adapt and Connect: Flexibility in your approach fosters deeper connections, leading to reduced sales resistance and better outcomes.

Nancy Zare

Dr. Nancy Zare is a sales psychologist, holding an MSW in Organizational Planning and Development and a Ph.D. in Social Work and Organizational Development from Boston College. She is also a founder of multiple ventures, including Rapport Builderz, which helps salespeople develop relationships with prospects that lead to new business, and the author of several books.

She helps her clients learn the right words and know the right approach to attract new businesses without appearing “sales-y.”


  • Introduction and Background
    • Matt introduces Nancy Zare
    • Overview of Nancy’s expertise in sales psychology and the “Likeability Sales System”
    • Importance of likability and adapting sales styles to different buyer types
  • Nancy’s Journey: From Psychology to Sales
    • Nancy’s origin story as a psychologist
    • Transition from mental health services to sales
    • Discovering the importance of the “Platinum Rule” in sales
  • The Likeability Sales System
    • Explanation of “Buyers 2, 4, 6, and 8” framework
  • How personality types influence buying decisions
    • Buyer 2: Fast, transactional, and results-oriented
    • Buyer 4 and 6: Mid-range decision-makers
    • Buyer 8: Thorough, long-decision cycle, information seekers
  • Application of the Platinum Rule: Treating others the way they want to be treated
  • Sales Techniques and Relationship Building
    • Importance of building rapport and authentic connections
    • Soft-selling vs. hard-selling: Why heart-centered approaches work
    • The role of confidence and energy in successful sales interactions
    • Learning by doing: How experience shapes sales success
  • Identifying Buyer Styles and Adjusting Your Approach
    • Using cues from language, appearance, and social media to identify buyer types
    • Matching communication styles to buyer preferences
    • Adapting to fast vs. slow decision-making clients
  • Life Experiences Shaping Sales Success
    • Matt’s bartending background: Lessons in adaptability and connecting with people
    • How varied life experiences improve relational sales techniques
  • Coaching and Continuous Learning in Sales
    • Why coaching helps overcome the learning curve in sales
    • Importance of applying knowledge rather than just acquiring information
  • Key Takeaways and Final Thoughts
    • The influence of confidence and trust in sales interactions
    • Adapting to different sales environments and buyer personalities
    • How the Platinum Rule can lead to long-term sales success
  • Resources and Closing Remarks
    • Recommended sales books: “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and “The Greatest Salesman in the World”
    • Nancy’s contact info and how to connect on LinkedIn

Click to See Episode Chapters and Timestamp

0:00Understanding Buyer Types and Effective Sales Communication
5:06From Psychology to Sales: Nancy's Journey and Insights
12:15Authentic Selling: Building Genuine Connections Over Transactional Tactics
24:41Confidence and Energy Are Key to Successful Sales
30:27Understanding Prospects' Unique Buying Criteria
34:51The Impact of Pop-Ups on Website User Engagement
37:13Understanding Buyer Personality Types for Effective Sales Strategies
42:57The Psychology of Selling and Influencing Buyers
46:47LinkedIn Strategies for Business Networking

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