Shoumo (Saumya Ganguly) has a vision of a world where all small businesses prosper. In that world all startups succeed and all social enterprises create an impact. He does his part by creating strong business foundations for long-term growth that can absorb short-term shocks. Shoumo brings to the table a perspective acquired over years of solving business problems. A lot of those were for global brand clients of PwC, IBM Business Consulting, and Cognizant.
Shoumo brought years of experience in consulting, financial accounting, and program management experience into Obligent Consulting. Through the firm, he helps business owners with startup, growth & marketing strategies. He is a business counselor at the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Rutgers. Shoumo also mentors at a Rutgers graduate tech commercialization entrepreneurship program. His perspective has been shaped over three decades of experience that encompasses global Fortune 100 to Main Street businesses, over multiple industries, in multiple roles, and across multiple countries.
If you would want to connect with him on LinkedIn, be sure to tell him you listened to this podcast (so that he knows it is not a random connection invite.) You may also check out the Obligent Consulting business profile on Alignable.