Episode 130 – David Van Beekum: The Story Behind Tweva: Patents, Funding, and the Rethinking Local Advertising

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In Episode 130, we dive into a fascinating conversation with David Van Beekum, one of the minds behind Tweva, a revolutionary platform that's redefining local advertising. David shares his journey from being a tech enthusiast to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and how his father's passion for sound and audio technology in the '70s influenced his career path.

We delve into the complexities of building a business beyond just creating a website, as David recounts his experience in developing a unique software for small food distributors and the challenges he faced in securing a patent for it. He provides valuable insights into the patent process, highlighting the importance of uniqueness and the risks involved.

The conversation takes a poignant turn as David shares the impact of his business partner and friend's sudden passing (instrumental in developing the ideas behind Tweva). He discusses the importance of networks in business and the challenges he faced in securing VC capital.

Finally, we explore the concept of Tweva, a social TV channel for your city that allows community participation and offers a platform for businesses and influencers. David explains how Tweva makes it easy for businesses to advertise on local screens and how it provides a platform for sharing local, relevant content. He emphasizes the importance of creating ‘infotainment' – content that is not only informative but also entertaining.

David Van Beekum

David Van Beekum is a digital marketing guru, startup enthusiast, and tech expert

Dave, the Co-Founder & Creator of tweva, the world's first social TV network for small businesses and influencers. A digital marketing guru, startup enthusiast, and tech expert, He is a man of many talents.

Dave lives in Florida with his wife and 3 girls, and enjoys the beautiful outdoors when he is not bound to one of his many computers.


  • Introduction
    • David's Interest in Tech and His Background
    • Influence of His Father's Passion for Sound/Audio Technology
  • Journey into Entrepreneurship
    • Starting a Web Design Firm
    • Developing Software for Small Food Distributors
    • The Birth of Tweva
  • The Impact of Family on Career Choices
    • Influence of His Father's Self-Employment
    • The Importance of Passion in Your Craft
  • The Complexities of Building a Business
    • From Building Websites to Developing Complex Software
    • The Challenges of Bringing a Product to Market
  • The Experience with Patents
    • The Process of Getting a Patent
    • The Risks Involved in the Patent Process
  • The Impact of Losing a Business Partner
    • Dealing with the Sudden Loss
    • The Importance of Networks in Business
  • The Challenges of Securing VC Capital
    • The Importance of ROI
    • The Need for a Simple, Replicable Business Model
  • The Concept of Tweva
    • A Social TV Channel for Your City
    • The Ease of Advertising on Local Screens
    • The Importance of Local, Relevant Content
  • The Future of Advertising
    • The Shift from Traditional Ads to ‘Infotainment'
    • Building Authority and Relationships with Viewers
    • The Community Aspect of Tweva
David Van Beekum's quote
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