Episode 135: Tyler Pigott – Building a Thriving Business: Vision as Your Ultimate Decision-Making Tool

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In today's enlightening episode of “The Builders,” we sit down with Tyler Pigott, a seasoned marketer and entrepreneur, to delve deep into the art of crafting a compelling vision for your business. But we don't stop there.

Tyler shares his perspective as a generalist vs a specialist (someone going into a business being ‘known' for a specific craft) . Ever wondered what fuels long-term decision-making? Tyler spills the secrets. Plus, we discuss the invaluable experience of having a mentor or coach by your side and the tremendous impact it can have on your business trajectory.

I even share my own entrepreneurial experience, shedding light on the strategy behind adding products to Unified Web Design's service-based model—always with an eye on the long game.

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a business owner rethinking your current approach, this episode promises actionable insights that you can apply immediately to up your game.

Tyler Pigott

Tyler Pigott

Let’s mix complex problems, teams of amazing people, and technology…that about sums up most of my experience over the past couple of decades. Creative problem solving motivated by long-term vision and the impact that can be made is what gets me excited every day.

I’m a bit obsessed with goals, cycling, my family, golden retrievers, and being near the water.

Some highlights:
– Grew a CPG brand up and down the West Coast from brand building to distribution.
– Founded a marketing agency that has had a 75% growth rate year-over-year for 6 years now.


  • Tyler Pigott's background in marketing and entrepreneurship
  • The importance of learning through experience and diverse backgrounds
  • Building an agency and the challenges and lessons learned
  • The value of hiring and building a team
  • The significance of having a clear vision and roadmap for business growth
  • The motivation behind long-term goals and decision-making
  • The struggle of being a generalist and the benefits of specialization
  • The need to constantly reassess and adjust your vision
  • Matt's example: products alongside services to server the long-term vision
  • Having an end game and the different possibilities for the future
  • The importance of having a clear vision and strategy for the future
  • The benefits of hiring a coach or mentor
  • Tyler Pigott's agency website and LinkedIn profile for further connections and conversations.

Tyler Pigott's quote
Matt Levenhagen
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